album cover of Pure Guava by Ween

Pure Guavaby Ween

released 11/10/1992 on Elektra

Statistics for misc bands

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Column Sort
TrackSong TitleFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal
1Little Birdytotal: 0 times
2Tender Situationfirst played: 07-15-1991last played : 11-28-2012total: 3 times
3The Stallion pt 3first played: 07-15-1991last played : 07-15-1991total: 1 time
4Big Jilmtotal: 0 times
5Push th' Little Daisiestotal: 0 times
6The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgototal: 0 times
7Reggaejunkiejewtotal: 0 times
8I Play It Off Legittotal: 0 times
9Pumpin' 4 the Mantotal: 0 times
10Sarahtotal: 0 times
11Springthemefirst played: 12-31-2002last played : 09-16-2009total: 2 times
12Flies on My Dicktotal: 0 times
13I Saw Gener Cryin' in His Sleeptotal: 0 times
14Touch My Tootertotal: 0 times
15Mourning Glorytotal: 0 times
16Loving U Thru It Alltotal: 0 times
17Hey Fat Boy (Asshole)total: 0 times
18Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)first played: 12-12-2014last played : 12-13-2014total: 2 times
19Poopship Destroyertotal: 0 times
Total songs played live from this album: 8
Average live plays per album track: 0.4
Average songs played per live show: 0.3